Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Merry Christmas 2024--A Family Update

Merry Christmas 2024!
Barrett, Aubrey, Macy, Luke, Cara, Dayna, Catelin
Brexit, Zeke, Titus, Bowen, Perry

This year was pretty full, but Catelin’s breast cancer diagnosis in August really focused our world around her treatment. She will finish her first round of chemo on January 3, and begin round two for another 12 weeks two weeks later. It’s amazing how much goes into getting through this process!

In August all of the women in the family, (along with Dayna’s sister and niece, Mari and Carrie), met in Irvine,CA (where Cara lives) for a week of fun and activity. That was just after we had a  week of fun and activity in Orlando with Cara’s family. We visited Sea World to satisfy the boys’ fascination with sharks! This fall Luke and Barrett, went to an Ohio State game in Columbus.

Barrett had the adventure of getting snowed in at Colorado Springs during a trip to the Navigator’s headquarters in November, and then spent a few days with the Johnsons in California. He has also finished Cru’s HQ transformation. It really is beautiful, and if you are ever in Orlando, we’d love to give you a tour.

Dayna still enjoys working twice a week as a nurse at Shepherd’s Hope, (where she was awarded “Nurse of the Year”) as part of her role with Cru, but has taken some days off to help Catelin. She enjoys a near daily drive with Brexit so he can see peacocks and the lakes. 😊

Catelin invited us all to visit Tarpon Springs with her for her birthday in June, and that was really fun. She was also the main planner for the California trip. She continues to love her work and team at Orlando Health, where she works in Talent Management. She has been incredible about how she’s going through this cancer journey.

The Johnsons are arriving in Orlando on New Years Eve to visit us and Perry’s family for a couple of weeks while Perry attends a conference. Cara is homeschooling Zeke. Titus and Bowen are in preschool classes. The boys love cars, "squishmallows," and ranking their favorite things (colors, cars, people!) Cara got more house painting done. They enjoy their church and host a weekly Bible study in their home.

Aubrey is working for Oschner Health, a Louisiana hospital system, as a remote compensation specialist. She has moved in with Catelin (just down the street) while she considers where she may want to live next. She has enjoyed serving on a federal grand jury this year!

Luke still enjoys his work with Northrup Grumman in Melbourne, FL and we get to see him pretty often. He still plays soccer, basketball and baseball. He put on the deep sea diver suit in Tarpon Springs. He has traveled a lot this fall, several times back to Charlottesville.

Macy is in her third year at the University of Florida studying psychology and criminology. She has a good  friend group and enjoys life at school. She has picked up some part time childcare jobs in Gainesville this fall, which she enjoys.  She still played on the adult softball team this year.

We are very grateful for all that God has blessed us with, and the kindness that people have shown to Catelin and to us during this journey. May you and your family be aware of God’s hand in your lives, and remember He is near.

For all of us,

An end of year request

A few weeks ago I looked up verses about giving thanks. There is one refrain I read again and again.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever.

With the struggles, setbacks, and challenges that come with life, this was a great reminder to me to look to who God is, and that His love is eternal. 

Our daughter Catelin began her chemo treatments this last week and it helps to remember that God is good, present and His love has not changed.

Last week I sat with the a young ministry team who has just returned from a trip to the Ho People in India. This people group is only 1.2% Christian, and the majority follow Sarnaism, a belief in wood spirits. Our team was teaching believers to orally present Bible stories that introduce the gospel.

God’s enduring love is reaching those who have never heard.

You are an expression of God’s enduring love for us. Your support through prayers, investing in our ministry, and encouragement is tangible evidence of God’s care for us. Thank you for how you support us and our ministry.

As missionaries with Cru, we see God provide through faithful partners like you. It is typical that some have to end their support, and this year that has been more than usual. As this year draws to a close, we want to ask if you will consider helping with a special gift.

If you are considering additional giving this month, would you prayerfully consider a special gift for our ministry? Special gifts this month can help us enter 2025 with the ability to continue to focus on the ministry projects we are currently engaged with.

If you are able to help, the easiest way to give is to visit and indicate how you would like to help,  You can also mail a check made to “Cru” to our home address (4126 Stonewall Dr, Orlando, FL 32812).

We are grateful to you for your faithfulness to the Lord, and your friendship with us we serve with Cru.  Whether you can help with this need now or have already helped, we are grateful for how you have partnered with us. 

May you also be reminded of His goodness and enduring love.

With love and thanks,

Monday, November 4, 2024

Navigating changes

On Friday I began a four week course on Change Management.   As an internal consultant with Cru, most of my work is helping our leaders with some kind of change or transition.

One of Cru's ministries, the Josh McDowell Ministry, is entering into a significant period of change.

In August, Josh McDowell, (founder, author of More than a Carpenter, Evidence that Demands a Verdict, and other great resources), wrote to our staff to let us know that he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and is stepping back from more active ministry.  

I've been consulting with Zack Wilson, the CEO of the ministry, on many of the transitions they are making and will be making with this change.  These include a move to a multi-site/remote workforce, office changes, a refocusing of their ministry purpose and strategy, and greater integration with all Cru ministries.  We are prioritizing several projects. 

Zack is keenly aware of the impact of some of these changes for his staff and for Cru.  And he wants to be sure that the McDowells are cared for and honored well as they step into a new season of life.  I'm very impressed with the intentional way he is pursuing clarity of their mission.

Catelin, Brexit and I on Halloween

And our family is adjusting to some unexpected changes.  As you know, illness requires a reorientation of our lives.  Our daughter Catelin has begun a long journey with breast cancer that has and will require surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation and more that will last over one year!  It's requiring many changes in her life to focus on her treatment.

We have a big role in providing the support she will need during these treatments.  It's caused us to adjust our calendars, find time to go with her to appointments, and just be there for her.

Change has a way of causing us to pause, reflect, consider what is most important and what God is calling us to.  It requires faith, because change means things are new and uncertain.

My friend Mike reminded me recently that God is still God.  Still all loving, all knowing, all powerful.  He has not changed.  

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."  James 1:16.

 Because of that, we can trust Him with the inevitable changes in life, even when they are hard.

Thanks for your love and support,