Our work with Cru

Cru is about changed lives, meaningful relationships, and opportunities to engage in the mission.  This short film shares a picture of what we do.

This video illustrates Cru's heritage
Cru Heritage from Gary Nomura on Vimeo.

The Ministry

There are currently more than 7 billion people on our planet.

1.5 billion have never heard of Jesus.

4 billion haven’t made the decision to follow Jesus.

Taking the story of new life in Jesus to the world is still relevant.

Cru has more than 26,000 full time staff serving in almost every country of the world.  Only 6,000 are Americans.

Read more about Cru

Life's Greatest Joy

“If you could have a personal relationship with God, would you be interested?”

When Dayna was asked this question as a freshman in high school, she realized that she did not know God personally . It was another student who introduced her to Christ.

As a junior in high school I heard a speaker explain that God loved me and wanted to forgive my sins. I wanted to know that God, and I too prayed to receive Christ.

For both of us, it was through the ministry of Cru that we heard and understood the love and forgiveness of Christ.

We have been privileged to work with Cru for over 30 years and love the fact that we can impact so many with he gospel.

Bill Bright, the founder of Cru said, “There is nothing better we can do for someone than introduce him to Jesus Christ.” We love that we can help the great news of God’s love be known around the world.

Caring for our staff

Over the last 33 years we have served in the areas of Human Resources, Leadership Development, and Crisis Management. We've loved being in roles to help our staff and students be who God has called them to be, and serve where He has called them as well. We have worked at raising up and developing leaders to serve effectively.  
Dayna serves at the nurse at our staff conferences, and volunteers at a free clinic for the uninsured (during non-covid times).   Currently Barrett comes alongside ministry leaders to help them tie their work to a strong strategic direction.  We work on team effectiveness, leadership development, and resource development.  We have managed significant Cru wide transformations. We work to help different ministries in Cru increase their effectiveness in bringing the gospel to the lost.
For over 10 years Barrett directed Cru's Global Crisis Management structure, where he helped ensure crises were handled effectively.  You can read about one such crisis here.

Partner with us

As staff members  of Cru, we trust God to provide for all of our needs through the consistent financial support of a team of ministry partners.  Because Cru has no central funds to pay salaries, this team has provided the only income for our ministry and living expenses.

We would be honored to partner with  you in ministry.  Please prayerfully consider helping us impact the world by joining our prayer and financial support team.

To learn more, visit the "give" page, or visit this page

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