Monday, October 31, 2011

Changes here and there

   This month as brought a big change to our family as Dayna’s father,  James Matthews, made a big move to live just four doors down from our house.  After falling and breaking his shoulder last winter, he decided he didn’t need any icy winters in Columbus anymore.
Luke and James after their haircuts!

    We are happy to have him so close!  We are a big bunch of people, and we're sure he likes having more action around him! 

   If you follow the news, you’ve read about significant events around the world this month.  There have been elections in Tunisia, flooding in El Salvador, Gaddafi’s death in Libya.  What might not cross you mind as you read about them is that these events may have significant impact on our ministries, staff, and the strategies they have for reaching that part of the world.

    For example, our national director in El Salvador recently wrote that the intense rains were closing roads, houses, schools, etc.  There was a lot of damage to the infrastructure of the country.  The impact of this is not only on our staff, who along with many were evacuating from their homes, but the financial partners to the ministry as well.  The donors’ inability to work and give will impact the staff’s ability to continue to minister.

    When I read the news now, I often find myself asking, “how is this impacting believers in that country?  How will that impact our staff and their ability to reach people for Christ?” 

    When we do our work of anticipating the impact that a crisis can have on us, we usually are better prepared to respond in a timely and effective manner.  Today we are working on a training for our leaders in Eastern Europe we’ll conduct in January.  They want to effectively assess the crises their staff and countries might encounter, and have plans for a response when it is needed.

    We appreciate that together with you, we are able to help our worldwide ministries continue to share the gospel in the midst of a world filled with risk.

                    With love and thanks,

Sunday, October 23, 2011

"Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death."

I read this quote on a friends facebook page today, and it is what I need to hear.  Take a minute to read the whole "Lion chaser's manifesto," written by Mark Batterson, inspired by his book In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day .

Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. Grab life by the mane. Set God-sized goals. Pursue God-ordained passions. Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention. Keep asking questions. Keep making mistakes. Keep seeking God. Stop pointing out problems and become part of the solution. Stop repeating the past and start creating the future. Stop playing it safe and start taking risks. Expand your horizons. Accumulate experiences. Consider the lilies. Enjoy the journey. Find every excuse you can to celebrate everything you can. Live like today is the first day and last day of your life. Don’t let what’s wrong with you keep you from worshipping what’s right with God. Burn sinful bridges. Blaze a new trail. Criticize by creating. Worry less about what people think and more about what God thinks. Don’t try to be who you’re not. Be yourself. Laugh at yourself. Quit holding out. Quit holding back. Quit running away.

We made a decision 26 years ago to take a risk and join the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ to impact lives for Christ.  It hasn't been a safe life in many ways, and at times the risk of failure seems too scary for me, I want to play it safe.  I know I have shrunk back from pursuing this kind of life at times with my family, my ministry, my relationships. I have wanted the "safer" way.

We are are not living in a dangerous country.  There is no gunfire on our street.  But these risks are just as real to me.  The risks include loving my wife and kids knowing I will mess up again, and will hurt them; challenging the status quo in a 60 year old missionary organization; inviting others to join our financial support team; talking about Christ with the people around me.  I want the "safer" way.

In my role in Campus Crusade, the risks can be life threatening to those I serve.  My job as crisis manager means approving trips to "risky" countries, responding when crises threaten our staff and ministries.  In HR it means is addressing an area of someone's life that brings threatens their ability to continue in ministry...engaging with people in areas of their character.  Not easy or comfortable things for me.  I want the "safer" way.

But today it makes me remember that I want the richness of the abundant life God promised He has for me.  I want to express deeply the love I have for my wife.  I want to enjoy the journey with my kids.  I want to not let my flaws keep me from engaging with God and others.

Today this manifesto makes me remember that I've had the privilege to work with so many others that are living this out each day.  And I'm not just talking about other missionaries, but many on our financial support team, and other believers as well.  The way the world is impacted is by people stepping out on a limb and trusting that God will meet them. I know people who live like this, but I also know people who, like me, want the "safer" way..

People need the life that Jesus came to give, they need forgiveness, they need Him to change their hearts, their lives.  It is worth investing in, and it is worth calling others to join us in a life like this.  I'm willing to keep taking some risks, to keep doing things that make my heart beat faster, that make me nervous, that scare me almost to death...I'm willing to keep trying things that might fail.   It is worth being intrusive in the lives of others.

Am I willing to live like this?  I want to.  I'm gonna give it a shot.  I want to quit holding back, to quite running away.  God give me strength.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Lives are changed this fall!

Thank You

We don’t forget for a moment that our ministry is one dependent on your partnership in prayer and giving.  God has called us to work together to impact the world with the good news of Jesus.

As you think of us, ask God to protect and provide for our family.   Pray that our trust in Him will allow us to  demonstrate love to one another and to those we interact with.

As we talk with many of our friends and partners, we realize that many are facing signficant challenges...please let us know how we can pray for you.

We thought you would be encouraged by excerpts from this article in Charisma News about the ministry at the University of Florida Cru at University of Florida Kicks Off School Year

cru at University of Florida kicks off school year with 94 salvations
 by Gina Meeks

Despite the swirling controversy of Campus Crusade for Christ's recent announcement of a name change, the ministry at the University of Florida is as strong as ever.

In the first UF Cru meeting of the school year last week, 94 people made decisions to follow Christ.
“It was just an amazing night really,” says Allen Williams, campus director. “I definitely felt the Holy Spirit there moving in people's hearts and knew something special could take place there. It's exciting to be a part of it and get to witness that firsthand.”

Many of the people who attend the first weekly meeting of the year are those who have been invited by friends and are just checking out Christianity. “It's a great opportunity for them to be invited to give their life to Christ, and Clayton does a really good job with that,” Williams says.

At the end of his message, King offered an invitation to accept Christ. He asked the new believers to raise their hands and counted up to 94.

“It's crazy to hear him count past 30, past 50, past 70 and then all the way up to 94,” Williams exclaims. “Even by his own admission he couldn’t see all that well in the back and probably missed a few hands.”

Williams said the students will be followed up with through the people who invited and invitations to connect into one of Cru's 45 community groups.

“Our main goal is to get people plugged into one of our community groups and be able to sharpen them through that beginning,” explains Williams.

“I think most people on campus know us as Cru already,” he says. “I don't think there's a big shift there for the people who already know us. For the people who are getting to know us, it's a good opportunity to explain what Cru means by our name and actions.”

Williams is encouraged by the impressive start the ministry had to the school year, and looks forward to what is to come.

“It's really exciting to be a part of what God is doing here right now,” Williams exclaims. ... he thinks ultimately the ministry is successful “because God's chosen to redeem people and bring them back to life here at UF. Since He's doing the work not us, I would just invite people to pray and ask Him to continue to draw people to Himself and change lives.”

Thanks for partnering with us for changed lives!

photo credit Copyright All rights reserved by Cru@UCF