As the father of the bride, it was hard to let my little girl go, and wondered if this guy could really love her well enough. However, when I watched his face as I walked her down the aisle, and saw him hold back tears as he gazed at her face, it gave me the reassurance that this smart young man had a soft heart and was deeply in love with my daughter. Cara was a beautiful bride and her beautiful spirit came through as well. Perry was receiving a wonderful gift, and he knew it!
I sat with my own beautiful bride, and saw my other beautiful daughters, and my handsome son in the wedding, and felt so grateful for the family He has given us. It was a very special day.
Perry and I were talking a week earlier and I mentioned that a wedding was one of the most holy events in a persons’ life, and it did feel holy as they committed themselves to each other before the Lord.
Now, not everything went perfectly…there was a downpour just before the wedding and during the ceremony one of the bridesmaids fainted and fell to the ground, but those things seemed not to matter at all as they stood committing themselves to each other.
Thank you for being such a big part of our family and ministry. It has been quite a summer for us. Thank you for your prayers and support.
In His love,
...for all of us