Monday, October 20, 2014

Aubrey in Boston

Aubrey's first semester at Brandeis for grad school as been challenging and educational.

In her program there are no grades and no exams.  They do a lot of reading, discussing and presenting, but it is a strange new way of learning!
Park Street Church on Boston Commons

She’s involved with Cru at Brandeis, and every other Friday night heads downtown to an all city Cru meeting at Park Street Church (where Paul Revere is buried).  

She has a fascinating landlady named Phyllis who has taken a liking to her, and we hear lots of great stories of their conversations.

The New England Autumn is another new experience for Aubrey and we've enjoyed her pictures.

Thanks for the part you've played in investing in our family.  Please pray for Aubrey as she continues to adjust to her time in Boston.

Digital Strategies

“I was an atheist until about last night when I chose to take a shot at connecting with Jesus. The life of an atheist is devoid of any real hope and that just wasn’t the life for me. I am ready to have a relationship with him. I look forward to more emails.” 
– Kristopher, a student who visited this year.

One of the teams I serve with is our Digital Strategies team.  We have 102 Cru Staff who work with technology.  As an HR director, much of it is beyond me!

I do, however, know how to surf the web.  We recently upgraded our web platform to one that can serve us both globally and locally. 

You can see the work begun at  You can locate a Cru ministry on a college, high school campus, or in a city. One project the team is working on now is to present all of our ministry tools and resources in one place. 

Please click on this link to see “Highlights from the last year on campus.”  The graphic above is from that page, along with other stories like this one:

An English professor at a Big Ten university works hard each semester to personally get to know each of her students. On the final day of class last spring, the students asked her, “What gives you life?” She used this opportunity to share her faith with them and told them about the life-giving love of Christ.

Thanks for allowing us to serve with this team to help introduce so many to God’s power and love,

Macy is "Home Alone"

This is an exciting time for Macy. She attends 5th grade at Smith Prep, a 2-day-a-week school, and studies at home the other days of the week.
She is also playing volleyball for the first time on the 5th & 6th grade team at the Geneva School. She’s had a lot of fun and is learning fast!

The biggest change for Macy this year is that she is the only Brown kid living at home! Usually we have only three of us at dinner!
Pray for Macy as she adjusts to this new life as the “only child.” We all knew itwas coming, but it’s a big change! 

September 2014: Praying for the World

     I don’t like watching the news lately. Ebola...ISIS...Israel and Palestine. It can be overwhelming and I can feel like there is nothing I can do.

     You may have seen this symbol on social media. It is the letter N in Arabic, and stands for Nazarenes, or follower of Jesus. This symbol was marked on Christians homes in Iraq to target them. Many put this symbol as their Facebook profile picture to express solidarity with those persecuted believers.
     But as you know, the most powerful act we can do is to pray. God is aware of the suffering of those in Iraq, those in Palestine and Israel, those who are suffering with the Ebola virus.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people.
1 Timothy 2:1-6

     His purpose is for all to know Him. I know each of these three current crisis is currently hindering Cru’s ability to minister in different locations: we have asked some staff to return to the states, some to delay going, and in some places normal ministry cannot continue. Remember to pray for those called to minister the gospel in these areas when you read of these events. Pray for us as we wrestle with
difficult decisions regarding our staff impacted by these events.
     God’s purposes are not thwarted. He will be glorified. My prayers are that His mercy and compassion will be displayed for the world to see. 

                                                                  Thank you for standing with us,