Monday, September 14, 2015

The Gospel and a Luopad

This summer in Colorado, I got to work with  my friend Al Goff, who is the President of Global Aid Network, which is Cru’s humanitarian arm.  Al and I worked together for years when he was the crisis manager for the Middle East and Central Asia area.  We worked through some very difficult situations together.

This summer we planned and organized the four days that Al had with his staff in Colorado.  We arranged time for them to focus on team building, their values, and creating a culture of growth for their team.  

I was touched by a story I heard when someone from Central Asia shared about the impact of something as simple as women’s hygiene supplies…sanitary napkins!  These reusable napkins are called Luopads.  You can read all about them HERE.

We were asked not to share the location, but the pads have been distributed to a women’s prison by our ministry in Central Asia.  It has helped restore dignity to these women, who are so grateful for the provision.  In a largely muslim country, the majority of women in this prison have come to faith in Christ!

When our staff visited this prison, the women were in tears expressing gratitude for the love they had experienced through those that provided the sanitary pads.  Providing for simple physical needs can open doors for people to receive the love of Christ.

These pads are made by volunteers in the U.S. and are delivered all over the world by our ministry partners.  If you are good at sewing, you might like to help provide them as well.  You can watch the video below to learn more about how these were used in Zimbabwe.

We were honored to serve the GAiN staff this summer.  They do some supremely difficult work and put love in action all around the world.  Thank you for partnering with us and being a part of what they and all of Cru are doing.

With love and thanks,

Animal Farm?

Rocky Raccoon going for a car ride
Dayna and I were walking down our street and watched the raccoon climb into the attic.  We think raccoons are cute, but don’t want to share a house with them!

Our attic is vented by small oval holes in the eaves, and these are covered by plastic vents.  These vents are easily pulled down by the raccoons and they like the attics to stay out of the rain.  My next house project is installing some metal screwed in vents.

After our exterminator lent us two animal cages, and I baited them with marshmallows.  We proceeded to catch not only  the raccoon, but also two possums!  This weekend I disposed of a little mouse that was living on our back porch.

Possum Number 1
Possum Number 2
Macy joined me as we drove 10 miles away to release these animals to a new life, away from our house!   I think I was as nervous trying to let these guys out of the cage as they were being in the cage!  Raccoons are not as fearful as possums!

Being gone for 2 months this summer may have something to do with these creatures, but we hope we can have sole occupancy for a while!