Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Impacting Leaders Around the World


The last week in January I was able to do something I really enjoyed as I helped design and deliver a unique training for some of our newer national level Human Resource leaders from around the world.

Thirteen staff from around the world converged on our international headquarters in Orlando to attend the 2019 LDHR (Leadership Development and Human Resources) Centre of Excellence. They came from Mongolia, Singapore, South Korea, the US, Italy, and Chile. The goal of the time was to increase their proficiency in key elements of Leadership Development and Human Resources.

The participants learned LDHR principles to apply as they do their job, how to make positive culture changes, and processes to use to help staff grow and develop. Each participant was assigned a personal coach to help them process the content and to plan how they would apply it when they returned home. The coaches will continue to meet with the participants for the next three months to help ensure learning is applied.

God truly blessed. The sharing at the end of the week reinforced the strategic importance of this effort. We are excited to see the worldwide effect this will have on developing our ministry.

I especially enjoyed teaching our Mongolian staff how to Punt, Pass and Kick during our annual HQ Super Bowl party, and I made sure Sainbileg Oyunbaatar (Saina) had the proper team uniform to wear!

Saina wrote in his prayer letter:

"I really want to give glory and praise to God. He showed His will in many ways that He wanted us to grow and develop in 2019. I think one of the opportunities was a trip to the USA. Leadership Development Human Resources (LDHR) organized a five-day training at the Campus Crusade Headquarters in Orlando, Florida, USA. I was one of the three people from Mongolia. I learnt several things from the leaders’ experience who serve in front of God faithfully, and wise solutions which lean on God. I realized a need in my ministry that I need to serve my staff more in God’s love, because they made a decision to serve Him. Furthermore, I thank God again and again that I am serving Him for the last eleven years through CCC. Also I felt many times that 'I am in the right place where I have to stand.'"
Thank you for investing in our lives and ministry, and for impacting the world with God's love.

With much love,