Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Year of the Unknown

What kind of challenges have you faced this year?

My second cousin Sam graduated high school with a drive-thru graduation, and now is starting college from home because his campus virtual this fall.  

Macy is taking her junior year high school classes all online and has to be with her parents almost ALL THE TIME.

And then there is Cru.  What does ministry look like...

    • when campuses are closed or restricted?  
    • when conferences and retreats are canceled? 
    • when travel overseas is not permitted?  

The reality is, no one really knows exactly what to do in this situation.  But there is a lot of innovation occurring on campus and inside Cru.

Staff are using social media to make connections with students.   Campus ministries are meeting students through Instagram and Facebook groups and organized by colleges for incoming freshman.  This summer students connected with students in an eastern European campus this way to help launch a campus ministry.  And Cru is holding all of its New Staff Orientation conferences virtually, including an online course that I created in May.

One big change for Cru is that Steve Douglass is stepping down as President, and Steve Sellers will be Cru’s new President beginning in October.  Steve Sellers is a friend that I trust and respect for his walk with the Lord, his kindness, and wisdom.  You can read more about this transition at cru.org.

Thank you for your faithful partnership with us, 

P.S.  Figuring how how to work from home has led me to work more than normal.  There is a certain pace of life that is supported by driving to work and leaving work.  Yesterday I broke the routine and got up early to kayak on a nearby lake.