We are doing fine as we wait, and we do appreciate your prayers that God would spare life and direct the storm. Please pray for all who are impacted...restored power quickly, minimal damage, and safety. Think of the millions who are traveling now as well, having evacauted.
But I do want to take the time to update you on how we are doing. Let's start where we are today and go back in time. I'm typing this as we wait for Irma to come for a visit.
I took this as the "before" picture in case we have any damage to our house. Isn't it a beautiful day? Preparing for a hurricane is kind of tiring. Cleaning up the yard, looking for batteries, shopping for water, watching the news, etc. At this point, we are only waiting to see how bad it will be. We should start feeling the effects Sunday evening. It feels bad to be happy that it is tracking further west now, because it means others will experience the full brunt of the winds...something we don't wish on anyone!
5 Days Ago
Aubrey, who has been living with us for the last 2 years since she finished her Masters Degree in Musicology, moved out to live with some friends in a nearby apartment. We are happy for her but will miss her living with us. Her room sure is empty. She's working at Cru in Personnel Records, teaching a music class at Rollins College, and will be the backstage manager at Bach Festival Society concerts beginning later this fall.
8 Days Ago
13 Days Ago
After eating out for lunch, Dayna was convinced that she had food poisoning. Her stomach hurt tremendously, and while she felt nauseous, she could not throw up. The severe pain lasted two hours, but she remained nauseous and could not eat anything but a popsicle. Finally, after 3 days of this, she visited her doctor, who sent her to the emergency room. Barrett was able to meet her there right after he got off the plane from San Francisco.14 Days Ago

18 Days Ago
Barrett interviewed the three internal candidates being considered to be the next President of Arrowhead Conferences and Events. a Cru subsidiary that serves Cru and other Christian organizations and denominations to contract with hotels. We interviewed these three over 3 days and will present to the Chairman of the Board the summaries and recommendations, so that he can make a decision.19 Days Ago
Barrett traveled with his friend Matt to Anderson, SC to watch the total eclipse of the sun. It was really worth the trip and a beautiful sight. This is the experience sped up.
24 Days Ago
Barrett undergoes a routine medical procedure that everyone over 50 has to undergo. For more information, view this video by comedian Louis Black.32 Days Ago
Dayna spent two days on jury duty where she and her fellow jurists found the defendant guilty of dealing drugs. She had to keep silent about the case until it was over.
38 Days Ago
We visited Monticello while we were there. The next weekend the protests in Charlottesville resulted in injuries and a death. It was very upsetting to Luke...not a great way to start this next phase of life! He has been adjusting well now and is well into his fall semester classes and lab work.
46 Days Ago
Barrett, Dayna, and Macy flew home from Colorado after our 8 Day U.S. Staff Conference. With Cru's mission to reach every person, we continue to look at what it takes to help Cru be the kind of place where every ethnic group would feel like Cru is their ministry. This trip was a mixture of hard and fun, but we are glad we were able to be at the conference and be in Colorado.
If you fly into Denver, visit the Rocky Mountain Arsenal Wildlife Refuge very close to the airport. |
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