Thursday, October 29, 2020

More changes

We are in this together

As you know, I am asked to do a variety of consulting projects to help with many different areas of Cru.  Usually these revolve around coaching leaders, strategic planning, or lately, succession planning.

In May I was asked to do something very different...a 2+ year project to transform our world headquarters to a Neighborhood Choice Environment.  This design aspires to provide the workspaces we need to foster a more collaborative and effective workplace.

What this means practically is that only about 20% of staff will have their own desk!  As you can imagine, this kind of change can trigger strong emotional responses!  It’s a high risk project that represents a significant cultural change for Cru in how we use the space together. 

I said yes because it is something that can make Cru more effective and communicate care to our staff.   Lake Hart will be a much more welcoming and inviting place that communicates, "there is a place for me here."  This decision also saves Cru tens of millions of dollars by not having to build a new building on the campus.

Over 1,200 staff work out of Lake Hart, our world headquarters, and we are beyond capacity with our current use of the space.  With all of the travel and meetings our staff do, an average desk is occupied only about 35% of the time (This is actually average for most workplaces). 

So, we have begun.  I'm leading a team that does the work of  designing, planning, managing and communicating about the project.  We have cleared out the first of four wings to begin the transformation. 

I know many have prayed for me and our family after the loss of my Dad in March.  We are all doing better, but are still comes at unexpected times!  We have sold his house and almost all of his estate is settled. Macy wrote a very moving paper about her experience with my Dad through his hospital stay and with her permission I posted it here.  Get your tissues!  Thank you for the care many expressed to us, and for your prayers.

Thank you for investing in our ministry with Cru.  We are humbled and grateful by your faithfulness to our work.  We are praying for you!

With love and thanks,

P.S.  Our family is looking forward to being together for Thanksgiving in Irvine, CA at Cara and Perry's new house.  You can see why we are excited for that!  

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