Monday, December 13, 2021

Giving at the end of the year

A couple of weeks ago we enjoyed Dayna's birthday present: the Immersive Van Gogh exhibit.  It was very nice and a great beginning to the Christmas season.

Beautiful, and the music was awesome!

I sent the following letter to our partners in early December, but it case you didn't see it, I thought I'd post it here. 

Bayang Mognanguele from Chad shared the response of a church leader who received Cru's church planting training.
"I have been a leader in my church for over twenty years, but when I look back, I don't see even one disciple I have trained.  Instead, I have condemned people because of their behavior.  Through this training, I believe that God is giving me the grace to rectify myself by training at least one."

We have been reminded so often that it is one invitation, one conversation, one training, one changed life that can make a world of difference to help  people experience God's grace and truth. 

We appreciate your partnership with our ministry.  Your prayers and gfits allow us to impact poeple here in the U.S. and all over the world in the little ways that change lives.  It is our honor to partner with you to help every person know Him.

Every year a large portion of the support we need with Cru coms in December.  Many people do their giving during this month, and some give special gifts.  We know this has been a challenging year for many, but if you are able to provide a gift in December, it will help us stay engaged full time next year.

The easiest way to give is to visit and indicate how you would like to help.  You can also send a check made out to Cru to our address (4126 Stonewall Drive, Orlando, FL  32812).  If you need a tax deductible receipt it needs to be received or postmarked by December 31.

We are grateful to you for your faithfulness to the Lord and your friendship with us as we serve with Cru.  We love partnering with you and hope you have a wonderful Christmas season.

With love and thanks,

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