Monday, December 11, 2023

A Special Request

At church in this month a praise song really spoke to me. It was a simple, clear message of God’s love for me. It was beautiful. When I got home and listened to different versions of the song, they were over-produced and had dramatic crescendos that clouded the simple message.

That simple faith in Jesus can
get clouded in our society by so many peripheral issues that hinder people’s ability to listen, hear and understand.

Our work at Cru is trying, often imperfectly, to
present the simple message of Jesus coming to create a bridge between God and man through his death, so that each person can accept that for him or herself. We believe many people respond when they can hear it through the all the noise.

That's why we do what we do.

You have followed us, prayed for us and partnered with us. Thank you. We thought you would want to know that our financial support has decreased over the last couple of years, and we want to ask if you will consider helping with a special gift this month.

We need to raise an additional $1,000 per month, or $12,000 annually to be able to stay engaged in the mission. Would you prayerfully consider a special gift this December to help? Or possibly consider helping with a monthly gift this next year?  Or if you are already giving, consider increasing your gift?

The easiest way to give is to visit and indicate how you would like to help. You can also mail a check made to “Cru” to our home address at 4126 Stonewall Dr., Orlando, FL  32812.

We are grateful to you for your faithfulness to the Lord, and your friendship with us we serve with Cru. Whether you can help with this need now or not, we are grateful for how you have partnered with us. Thank you, and we hope you have a wonderful Christmas celebration. 

With love,

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