Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It takes guts

When I see my kids battle through the fears and challenges they face, it gives me confidence that they can make it in life.  Last night Aubrey played in the fall small chamber concert at Rollins College.  Aubrey has always struggled with anxiety and fear when trying something new, or performing.  She said that last night was the first time she was not nervous beforehand.  You can watch her performance here.  The musicians all gathered to pray together before they began the program, even pulling in the Muslim student, who felt a bit awkward when the prayers began "Dear Jesus..."

Luke is playing on a high school basketball team that is, frankly, not good.  They work hard and try hard, but they have lost their 4 games by an average of about 45 points.  They are battling through the obstacles of having only eight players, only one just over six feet tall, and a freshman point guard.  To me, it takes guts to go out there and battle when you know the likelihood of success is low. 

In fact, they inspire me to keep taking the risks and moving through my fears with faith.  Life is kind of like David and gotta step up and take a chance.  The only way you know for sure what will happen is by not even taking the risk.

Thanks Luke and Aubrey!

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