Thursday, February 23, 2012

What I can't say in the classroom...

    What is so remarkable about a woman who speaks publicly of how the Lord sustained her during her husband’s slow death from lung cancer? Or another woman who says she has felt God’s comfort since her six-year-old daughter died in a tragic accident?  Or the man who shares how his distorted view of God adversely impact him and how that has now changed?

     While these stories are encouraging, and perhaps even inspiring, what makes them stand out is they were spoken on a secular university campus by Christian professors.

    Several of the students who attended What I Can’t Say in the Classroom at Stephen F. Austin University were clearly affected by what they heard. One student said, “I had no idea what I was walking into tonight, but God definitely did! Thank you guys for opening your hearts to a bunch of ‘20-somethings’!” The students were thrilled to hear of the professors’ enthusiasm to pray together for the campus and to see their desire to be an influence for Christ.

     During a question-and-answer time a student asked why the professors would speak at What I Can’t Say. Each responded by saying they sensed God is prompting them to view their work on campus as a ministry to their colleagues as well as to the students. Since then the faculty have been studying together to learn how they can give influence on the campus for Christ, and they have developed their personal testimonies for this purpose.

    What I Can’t Say went beyond reaching only students that night in October. The professors advertised the event with posters on their office doors, and one math professor, who didn’t indicate whether or not he was a Christian himself, said he came to hear his colleague tell her story. He was one of the ten to twelve additional faculty members who showed up.

    This is exactly why we like being on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ--helping people reach the world around them is exciting.  Thank you for being a part of the impact our staff are having on campuses and around the world.

With love and thanks,

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