Friday, May 8, 2015

Colorado Matching Gift

 We have an great opportunity we want to ask you to help with this summer.     

 Every two years Cru holds the U.S. Staff Conference on the campus of Colorado State in Fort Collins, Colorado.  This is a time for us to hear from the leadership, and hear what God is doing through the different parts of the ministry.


In addition to that conference, this summer Dayna, Macy, Aubrey and I are headed to Colorado month early to take seminary classes through Cru’s Institute of Biblical Studies.  We are already getting started on all the reading we have to do.  I (Barrett) will actually graduate after 29 years on staff!

                  We are looking forward to spending some time focused on the Lord and His Word.  We are hoping it will be a refreshing 6 weeks for our family.

                  Would you consider a special gift this summer to help cover the costs of our travel, housing and class and conference costs?  We recently learned that a matching gift of up to $3,000 has been provided for us, so any amount you give will be matched!  Would you consider a gift of $100, $250 or $500 to help us reach the full amount?  Every dollar you can give will be matched.  We would need to receive your gift by the end of July. 

                  It may be easiest to give a gift online (click here), or you can send a check made out to Cru to our address at 4126 Stonewall Drive, Orlando, FL  32812.  Thank you for any way you can help.  

                  Please pray for a refreshing summer for all of us.  Aubrey will be with us working at the children’s program, and Macy will be a participant while we take our classes.  We are glad  Cara and Perry will be finishing a western road trip by visiting us over 4 days in Fort Collins.   This has been a particularly difficult last 12 months, so we do hope for a time where God will bless us in a significant way.

                  Thank you for partnering with us.  We are so grateful for your help.

                  In Him,

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