Monday, March 19, 2012

One person

One person can start a movement.

    Phen is an uneducated Cambodian farmer from Kampong Cham province. When a Campus Crusade church planting team came to his village and shared the gospel with him, Phen committed his life to Christ. Over the next several months, he learned more about the Lord through basic follow up and ministry skills training. Phen proved to be a gifted evangelist and has faithfully shared his faith with many people. A church of 50 meets in his house, and he’s helped start four other churches in neighboring villages.

    In one neighboring village, a high school principle named Kim Daravuth had a reputation for drinking and adultery.  One day his wife became sick and he took her to the medical clinic that Cambodia Campus Crusade brought to his village. There Phen met Daravuth and talked to him about Jesus.

    After several visits, Daravuth accepted Christ and Jesus radically changed his life. Daravuth not only quit drinking, but also ended his affairs and reconciled with his wife when she saw how he’d changed. His wife received Christ’s forgiveness, and now together they serve the Lord, telling others about Him, sharing a vision to start new churches in other villages.
    Phen helped Daravuth tell his neighbors about Jesus and many came to Christ. Twenty people from his village now meet in Daravuth’s house for worship, prayer and Bible study. In their remote village there are no Bibles, so they share one Bible with house churches from nearby villages.

     Daravuth learned about the “JESUS” film and requested film team equipment so he could go to neighboring villages to tell his friends more about Jesus. He and his wife faithfully visit villages on their motorbike, sometimes drawing crowds as large as 400 people! They’ve helped establish new groups of believers in seven villages. Since Daravuth knows people in villages all the way to the Vietnamese border (more than 100 miles away), their plan is to eventually visit each one.

    Of the 26,000 Campus Crusade staff around the world, only 6,000 are Americans.  Thank you for the investment you make in helping send laborers into the harvest!

With love and thanks,

Baseball Life

If you ask us what we do in our spare time...well, it might have something to do with baseball.  Luke is now a high school junior and is playing for the Central Florida Christian Academy.

His team is doing quite well this year at 11-2 and has already qualified for Regions, and he loves being part of a team that prays together and with the other team after the games. 

We keep telling ourselves that these busy days will be gone soon so we are enjoying being able to watch him play, and Barrett has liked keeping the stats for the team.

We are only halfway done, so we’ll let you know how they did at the end of the season!