Thursday, November 13, 2014

Hitting the Books

This month I was able to finish a seminary class on the doctrine of God, the Bible, and Holy Spirit.   This is part of a requirement for Cru, and I’m glad I finally got it on my schedule.

I loved it.  I really recommend the book Systematic Theology by Gruden.  It is written to describe orthodox doctrine, but in a way that touches your heart.  There are wonderful questions for reflection at the end of each chapter.  

I was really struck with how beautiful the relationship of the Trinity is presented in Scripture.  For example, in Luke 10:21,  after the 72 returned after he had sent them out, “Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, ‘I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth…”  Isn't that cool?

I’m looking forward to the Christian Worldview class at the end of January.  

And yes, I got an A!

And yes, we loved seeing Ohio State beat Michigan State last weekend!  Glad to have fellow Cru Staff, fellow Buckeye, and family friend Stephen Blackwell join us for the game!

Thankful for the Threads

There is a scene in the Prince of Egypt movie when Jethro explains to Moses “a single thread in the tapestry… can never see it’s purpose, in the pattern of the grand design.”  He sings that Moses needs to “look at your life through heaven’s eyes.”  You can watch it here.

As Thanksgiving approaches, and as we finish our 28th year with Cru, it’s encouraging to look back and see that God has directed our paths for His purposes.  And we’re thankful for your part in that journey.

Our first years on staff with Cru High School in Minnesota still bring warm memories of the friendships we made and we still feel a strong connection.  We’ve served in many different roles with Cru since then, and each one, it seems, helped prepare us for the next.

Basically, we help those who are called to serve with Cru follow that calling.  We help them join staff,  provide training and leadership development, and care well for them in difficult situations.   We lead a great team of people who send, equip, and care for staff serving in the U.S. and around the world.  We've done these things through about 6 or 7 different jobs on staff with Cru.

We could not have planned our path.  During all of those assignments and over the years, there has been many confusing, humbling, frustrating, and even ugly times when it wasn’t fun, or didn’t make sense. Yet He has been good to us.  

And He has blessed us with you, and we are very thankful to the Lord for youYou are woven into our lives and ministry through your partnership with us.  We are truly honored by and grateful for your sacrificial gifts for our ministry.  Thank you for being a part of God’s work in our lives.

May you see His hand in your lives and be encouraged by the tapestry He is weaving in and through you. We hope your have a meaningful day of Thanksgiving!

With love and thanks,