Thursday, October 4, 2012

My alter ego

As we have settled Dayna’s father’s estate since he died in June, the inevitable happened:  his Columbus house sold and we needed to clean it out.

I assumed super hero role of mover and trucker to help get everything settled. It is a very cool and powerful feeling to sit so high above the other cars...until you can only go 45 mph up a hill.

Catelin and I flew up and hired movers to load up a truck and drove it back to Orlando.  It was a journey to remember, and one that made both of us appreciate the difficult job truckers have!

 Catelin was so glad to be able to see her grandparent's house one last time, and there is a lot of comfort in having many of their things home with us.

The drive itself was pretty tiring...the truck was loud, and every time I switched lanes I was afraid of crushing a small car!

The gas mileage, at about 7 mpg, was kind of shocking! Fortunately, we had Macy at home to fill up the tank before we returned the truck!

We now have the task of replacing some of our furniture, and going through many boxes to see what we brought home. We have two garages full of things, so ultimately, a lot will need to go, but we'll switch out some of our furniture to donate or sell.  As for now, we'll have to park in the driveway (wait, that is no different than normal!)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day of Prayer

Thank you so very much for keeping us in your prayers.  We have moved from our very eventful summer to our very eventful fall!  School is in full swing, and lot’s is happening with Cru.  I wish we could have time to catch you up with everything, but here are a couple of things!

Worldwide Day of Prayer
    Each fall and spring we set aside a day to seek the Lord for His continued direction for us a global movement.  In the fall we set aside the first Tuesday in October, to remember when Dr & Mrs Bright launched our ministry through prayer back in October of 1951.  What a rich heritage we have!  Yesterday, October 2nd our theme was "My Sheep Hear My Voice."

      As we were meditating on this and praying for our ministry around the world, we were also thinking of YOU.  You have made so much possible through your partnership with us and you have ministered to us!  So, we want to pray for YOU!  If you have prayer requests that we can be praying for, please send them to us at   We would love to pray for you!  If you'd like to pray along with us, you can see many of our prayer requests at our website.

Crisis Management
    Just following our day of prayer Barrett will be on the "road", so to speak.  The week of October 8-12 he will be in Germany meeting with our leaders who have responsibility for crisis management for our regions around the world.  The fellowship and support that this group provides one another is unique because few people can appreciate the stressfulness of having that responsibility.  Some of the situations they have managed in the last 18 months include
  • a political coup
  •  a suicide
  • a tusnami/earthquake/flood
  • arrests/interrogations
  • possible kidnappings. 
 And those are only the ones that we know about! 

Would you pray for...
  • supportive bonds among the team to increase
  •  working alliances among regions would develop
  • spiritual refreshment
  • health and energy
We are so grateful for you and your partnership with me to ensure that "everyone knows someone who truly follows JESUS."

With love and thanks,