Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Nurse Dayna

I’m so proud of Dayna.  Let me tell you a story about one reason why.  

Last summer Cru emailed all of our staff who had a nursing degree.  They explained that Colorado law requires that the childcare we provide for our summer staff conferences have an RN on site. The email asked if anyone was willing to serve in that role for the months of June and July, 2019.

Dayna replied, but explained that her nursing license was inactive, and knew there was a long process to obtain it.  After talking with her, they really wanted her to do it because of her experience on staff, and because she has raised 5 children herself!  So, she signed up for the refresher course.

One of her classmates, who also had a Bachelor’s in Nursing, said about the class, “This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life!”  After 80 hours of class time, the exam, and completing four straight weekends of two twelve hour shifts in a cardiac unit, Dayna received high reviews and received her Florida Nursing License!  It was an immense amount of work and she persevered!  We all celebrated!  We leave May 29 for Fort Collins, CO so she can be the “school nurse” for our summer training conferences.

Because this is Dayna’s summer staff assignment, we need to raise additional support to cover the costs of housing, travel, and conference fees.  

To help with this, our office team is providing a matching gift of $3,000 to cover the additional expenses.   Would you consider helping us with a special gift to help Dayna complete her awesome journey?  If you are able to help with a gift, please visit  In the space for a note, indicate "summer match."

Thank you for how you help us and Cru is reach people with the gospel.  We are honored to serve with you.

With love and thanks,