Partner with us

Will you join with us as a partner in outreach
by contributing financial support to our ministry?

Together we can make an eternal difference in people's lives by reaching out with God's love as ministry partners.

In fact, since 1951 it has only been the financial support of individuals like you that has made the work of Cru possible.

And today, people like you are still the sole source of each missionary staff member's financial support.  No central funds exist with Cru for paying its missionary staff members' salaries.

This means we must form a group of partners who will supply the missing ingredient needed to make our full‑time ministry possible through pledges of monthly support.
Here's how you can help supply that missing ingredient:
You can help by sending contributions that are earmarked for us to Cru.  Cru will then use your gifts to pay our salary and ministry expenses.

All staff members, including our president, Steve Douglass, are entitled to the same base salary. Limited salary increases are allowed for special salary adjustments for expenses like housing, and actual ministry expenses.  We must also raise these funds in order to receive them.

We then become the personal representatives of those who choose to contribute to my ministry.  As a result, people like you become partners with us in reaching the lost for Christ.

We'd like to invite you to join with us as a partner in reaching the world for Christ by contributing financially.
Because of the urgent nature of our work, we need to raise our finances as soon as possible.  Therefore, we are asking people to join with us by making an annual pledge of $1200 ($100 per month), $1,800 ($150 per month), $3,000 ($250 per month) or more toward our ministry.
Can we count on your financial support?

To learn more about the different methods of giving, click on the "how to give" tab, or to get started online visit this page.

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