Thursday, August 27, 2015

Colorado Summer

Our time in Colorado this summer was a great blessing.  Dayna and I spent the first four weeks taking Bible classes  Happily, I finished our Institute of Biblical studies requirements, and while I’m glad to be finished, God really ministered to me through one class.

My assignment was to study, interpret, and prepare a talk on 2 Samuel 9, where David finds Mephibosheth in order to show him kindness and fulfill his covenant to his friend Jonathan.

As someone who struggles with feeling inadequate, I was encouraged to realize that David’s kindness was a picture of the kindness God shows toward me.  I identify with the shame Mephibosheth felt, but David placed him in a position of honor.  God looks past my inadequacies and shows me kindness.

If you want, I can deliver a stunning 20 minute talk on this passage!

During our staff conference, we heard from Christian leaders in the area of diversity and privilege, and explore how Cru’s impact is limited by how we make it hard for minorities to join with us.

Dayna and I were impacted with the idea of how much we’ve been boosted in life because of our families and culture in a way that some people never experience.  Paul said, “in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (Phil. 2:3-4)

Thank you for partnering with us to allow us to study His word.  We are grateful for serving with you.

Walrus Ice Cream

When Dayna was 15 years, old, she attended a Cru High School IBS in Fort Collins and visited Walrus Ice Cream for the first time.  This place makes their own ice cream with all kinds of funky flavors like chocolate banana or watermelon.

Walrus is a part of our family tradition when we are in Colorado.  It’s one of the fun things we’ve done every other year over the last 29 years.

We were able to do other fun things together like hiking, 

touring old houses, riding an old trolly,

and taking a carriage ride.  

While Luke was on his AIA baseball project, Catelin, Cara and Perry took time to be there with us.  It was great to be together, and have a scoop of Walrus!