Monday, November 5, 2018

One Conversation

Cru is a big missions organization.  About 800 staff work at the World Headquarters serving about 8,000 US staff, and another 10,000 globally.  And yet what defines Cru the most is… conversation.

It is a conversation explaining how someone can know God personally.  It is a conversation helping someone to share their faith with a friend.  It is a conversation inviting someone trust God with a difficult period of life.  It is a conversation inviting someone to invest a week, a summer, a year, or a lifetime in telling others about Jesus.

This weekend I was talking to two of my high school friends about Gary, a Cru staff member who invested in each of our lives.  When I was 17 he sat with me on a stairwell and explained how I could walk in the Spirit moment by moment, and I still remember that conversation.

You can probably point to a conversation like that in your life.

When Cru went through the name change a few years ago they interviewed hundreds of people about what being a part of Cru meant to them.  There were three common themes:  They experienced changed lives,  they formed meaningful relationships, and they had opportunities to engage in the mission of introducing others to Jesus.

This video is a picture of what Cru helps happen.

Thank you.

This month we all celebrate Thanksgiving, and we thank you for investing in our lives and ministry.  You not only allow us to serve with Cru, but you help us make a difference in different parts of Cru all over the world.  Thank you for your friendship with us. We can’t express enough how much your partnership means to us.

With love and thanks,

And here is one more 2 minute video about why we do what we do.